Book Review Of Ministry In The Image Of God By Stephen Seamands

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In Stephen Seamands book, Ministry in the Image of God, Seamands takes the reader on a journey through the complexities and vitality of ministering in and through the Trinity. Seamands, through multiple different avenues, demonstrates to the reader how Ministry is incomplete and insufficient without the mirroring image of the Trinity itself. In the first chapter Seaman starts off stating that he has written this book, "to demonstrate the significance of the doctrine of the Trinity for the vocation of ministry" (Seamands 2005, 11). He continues on to say, “I am convinced that no doctor is, as relevant to our identity and calling as ministers than the trinity" (Seamands 2005, 11). One of the most consistent themes that can be observed is the …show more content…

With Jesus knowing who he was in the father, that he was accepted and loved by the father, and his identity and task was defined by the father, he was able to then go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit accomplishing what the father had purposed for him to do. (Seamands 2005, 63-64) Siemens also discusses embracing every aspect of the trinity from resting in Oneness with the father to accepting the complexity of the Trinity itself. In chapter five Seamands discusses the mystery the trinity and how it's intricateness affect every aspect of the life of ministers and those being ministered to. Siemens States, "there has always been a temptation to evade complexity and Ministry by reducing it to formulas, programs, technologies and quick fixes" (Seamands 2005, 112). Through embracing the simple complexity of the trinity one also has the ability to embrace the simple complexity of every aspect of ministry whether it is healing, faith, deliverance, or simply understanding the scriptures. Seamands explains to the readers why ministry without an understanding of the trinity is nearly impossible or fruitless at the …show more content…

In this chapter Seamands discussed the different aspects of “Healthy Family Relationships” (Seamands 2005, 47) as reflected in the trinity. Seamands states that, “A Trinitarian understanding of personhood should also lead us to make family relationships a priority in Ministry" (Seamands 2005, 47). Seamands uses four characteristics to describe the Trinitarian relationship and he uses these same four to demonstrate what relationship should look like within the family. Those characteristics are as follows, full equality, glad submission, mutual deference, and joyful intimacy (Seamands 2005, 48-50). The characteristic that impacted me the most was Mutual Difference. Siemens discusses this idea of family decision making. There is a distribution of responsibilities to each family member and every voice matters when it comes to making a decision. He also States that, "there is a willingness to defer to one another based on wisdom experience and the nature of the situation at hand" (Seamands 2005, 49) this concept was never demonstrated in my home or relationships. The idea that your voice matters that your opinions carry weight is something that was far from me. But this concept is so clearly demonstrated in the relationship of the Trinity. This has forever changed how I will relate to other people and how I will someday raise my children. Another impactful moment for me while reading this book

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