Book Summary: The Alchemist

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Deontay Burnett Period Religion 10/3/14 The Alchemist Everyone at some point in their lives is faces with their personal treasure. I am one of the enlightened few who aren’t afraid to chase after mine. Since I was young I have had the dream to play professional football. Quite like Santiago I saw my dream quite young and was not afraid to purse it. The difference is I walk my path alone while Santiago interacts with several people along his journey that help him along his way. The first is Melchizedek. He is a character from the bible that often appears when someone is faced with a choice. He gives Santiago, Urim and Thummim. They are said to hold special divine qualities that will help Santiago make important decisions. Melchizedek is in his entirety put in this story to represent the importance of choice. He shows Santiago that every single decision he makes should be to help him achieve his personal legend. Melchizedek also teaches him a great deal about the language of the universe. Melchizedek helps Santiago get over his first obstacle in the book by letting him know his personal legend is …show more content…

The man who helps Santiago overcome this is the Englishman. He is blindly brave and an eccentric about everything he does. This makes him the perfect person to help Santiago on his path. He meets Santiago and tells him that he is seeking the Alchemist a man who possesses the elixir of life and can turn and metal into gold. As ridiculous as this may sound this is what sparks Santiago’s interest in him. Right when Santiago is unsure of him however, Urim and Thummim fall out of his bag. The man identifies them and Santiago sees it as a sign. Throughout the book the man and Santiago push each other to help achieve their personal legend. The Englishman’s crazy headstrong tactics are what helps push Santiago get the treasure at the end of the Rainbow. By overcoming his fear he was able to achieve his personal