Book Summary: War Brothers By Sharon E. Mckay

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War Brothers by Sharon E. McKay written on January 9, 2014 in Toronto. Published by Puffin Canada. The book has one hundred seventy eight pages in it. Based in Gulu, Kampala, Uganda. This gang called the LRA is stealing kids for their army. The main characters are Oteka and Jacob. The major theme or focus of the book is a Ugandan boy being abducted from a school, is forced to fight a war for the rebels or he will be killed on the spot. Sharon E. McKay was born in Montreal, Quebec and she got her B.A. from York University. She is a Canadian author of novels and graphic novels. Some of her major works are Thunder over Kandahar, Enemy Territory, The End of the Line, and Prison Bay. I chose this book written by her because I thought that it would …show more content…

He goes to the medicine man to figure out what he should do with his life by asking his dead mom through the medicine man. I like this part because it shows what people would or will go through to figure out their place in the world. An example being ““Mother,” Oteka whispered. “I do not know where I am or where I am supposed to be in this life.”(McKay 2014, 32) Three things that I learned from this book is one how people in Gulu, Uganda are scared of a man named Kony who takes children for his army called the LRA or Lord’s Resistance Army. Second, is how tough life is for a kid in Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army and how their day to day life is. Lastly, I learned how tough it is for a kid to see war and death so close and personal. These three things I learned from the book and which only gave me a vague understanding of them. I would recommend this book because it is a good read and has a lot of history for people who like that kind of things. It is a short book, so you could learn about some history in a short book. One of the problems that I thought the book had was that at some parts it got boring and was moving slow, but it picked up towards the middle of the book. Another problem the book had was that it didn’t go into great detail about things that it should have. Other than those problems, this would be a good book for someone to

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