Booker T. Washington: Equality And Better Lives For All

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The sleeve of the hand is labeled Booker T. Washington to show that he is helping each of the ethnic groups together reach towards the banner labeled “equality and better lives for all.” Each of the fingers is labeled a different ethnic group to emphasize that they are “as separate as the fingers,” but all on the same hand reaching toward “mutual progress.” On the index finger labeled “African- Americans,” there is also a ring with the words “industrial education” to symbolize that Washington believed that industrial education and jobs were the first steps to equality for African-Americans as opposed to Dubois who thought that demanding civil rights was the first step. The ribbon is labeled “equality and better lives for all” because that is what Washington aimed for. …show more content…

From his thumb there is a whistle hanging that is labeled “muckrakers” because the muckrakers opened many people’s eyes to the struggles of African-Americans and other poor citizens as if blowing a whistle on the problems of society. Revealing these problems encourages many to commit acts of altruism and help out their fellow citizens, closing the gap between the hand of society and the banner of better