Boston Massacre Dbq

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The evidence, from the 7 eyewitnesses, support that the colonists were the aggressors during the fateful evening of March 5, 1770, the Boston Massacre. Some cited evidence proves it. Number one, “I saw the people throw snowballs at the soldiers and saw a stick 3 feet long strike a soldier upon the right” (Theodore Bliss). In other terms they were assaulting the soldiers with pieces of snow or ice at them, afterward they hit one of them with a 3 foot club. This shows that the soldiers didn’t shoot to murder, they shot in self-defense. Number 2, “The people kept huzzaing. Darn ‘em. Daring ‘em to fire. Threw snow balls. I think they hit ‘em. As soon as the snow balls were thrown and a club, a soldier fired” (William Sawyer). Once again he is