Bostrom's Dichotomy And Relativism

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Bostrom is a Transhuman philosopher who believes in freedom to apply transhuman technology to your self and reproductive freedom with limited restrictions when it comes to abusing the freedoms to harm another person. These freedoms will allow for longer and happier lives, as well as give the opportunity to avoid stagnation and allowing people to follow other passions like art or writing instead of working on menial tasks. The first objection has a pretty solid base fear is commonly used to stop progress and the fear of being left behind is a strong fear because since the dawn of humanity people have had to adapt in order to survive, but now people are thinking this new increase of technology isn’t about survival its about wanting to make things easier. This is only partially true the easier the menial tasks become and the more automated they become it opens the doors for people to hunt for their true passion whether it be art or something creative. An example of a culture that does not mind an increase of technology and does not allow social pressures effect how life is lived is the Amish and Mennonite communities all across America. Adapting to transhuman …show more content…

In the spirit of adhering to Mill’s ideals Bostrom would agree that the