How Are Boundaries Between Nation-States Determined And How Can These Lead To Conflict?

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1-How are boundaries between nation-states determined and how can these lead to conflict. Give a specific example. A boundary is a real or invisible line that separates two things. In the case of nation-dtates there are two types of boundaries, physical and political. A physical boundary is normally a naturally occurring barrier such as a river or mountains; however there are manmade boundaries, like the boarder that separates Mexico from the United States, or the manmade line that seperates Canada from the United States by clearing the land between the two. There is also political boundaries which are the invisible lines agreed upon by two nation-states. The problems with these boundaries are they were determined before we were able to tell where natural resources were …show more content…

It is also viewed as the most influential; an example of a primate city is London, or Paris. There are many advantages and disadvantages to having a primate city in a country. The biggest advantage would probably be the sheer size of economic activity; with such a dense population in these areas there are lots of jobs available and also a lot of people buying things which is actually our second advantage, a larger market for goods and services. Because there are so many people in such a small area, transportation is both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is an advantage because there is ample public transportation in these kinds of cities making it extremely easy to get around, however it is a disadvantage because it is limited. In London, you have the underground subway system, but it only goes certain places. Another disadvantage is there is an unequal distribution of wealth and power in primate cities; the people with the money make the decisions. Primate cities attract a lot of foreign investment, but they also take up a lot of local investments also which delays national economic

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