Boundaries In Frankenstein

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Introduction Boundaries are important as they indicate a limit a person not supposed to cross, it important that people respect boundaries as once boundaries are crossed, it can affect the relationship between two people or society as a whole. Crossing boundaries come with consequences. In regards to this assignment we will be looking at consequences of challenging boundaries in the gothic novels Wuthering heights and Frankenstein. The social and cultural background of the genre gothic novel According to Mullan, (2014), gothic fiction began as a sophisticated joke Horace Walpole first applied the word gothic to a novel in the subtitle – ‘a gothic story’- of the Castle of Otranto, published in 1764. According to Tiffin (2011) the historical …show more content…

Tiffin (2011), continued to state that gothic literature can related to be the romantic reaction against social class and rationalnality demonstrated by the neo-classicism of the eighteenth century, it’s seen as an extreme peripheral version of romanticism’s celebration of emotional- it deals with terror as the most extreme form of emotion (Tiffin (2011)). According to Bowen (2014) the genre gothic novel is characteristically a modern one, its particularly strange and obstinate family of texts which themselves are full of strange families, irrigated with scenes of rape and incest and surrounding marginal, uncertain and illegitimate …show more content…

He then created life which he walked away from with offering nurturing or guidance. Basically what the novel try to emphasis in the case of morals is that we are responsible for our own children as a parent you are responsible for child well-being and it’s the parents job to raise them and care for them until they ready to live independently, victor walked away from his creature, which was not only an injustice to the creature but an injustice to the world (Smith (2011)). The monster as punishment and the punishment of the monster According to (Swedeen, 2007) the novel Frankenstein describes “the modern Prometheus” a character in Greek methodology who was responsible for a conflict between mankind and the gods victor Frankenstein created the monster is like a modern Prometheus, he puts himself in the place of god to create life, but instead of being punished by the gods, he punished by his own creation (Swedeen, 2007). victor Frankenstein acquisition of knowledge in science is what destroyed him, knowing too much like how to re-create life in his case, is damage to human nature and to temper with it will cause only pain eventually