Boxing Persuasive Essay

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In boxing there's no "we" there is only a "you". The good part, is that all the spotlight will be on you, and the bad part is that that if you get tired there isn't going to be a coach to pull you to the bench. You either survive the round or wake up one minute later with your face on the ground. Throughout the years boxing has been considered the one of the most physical sports on the planet. Some of the athletes that practice this sport have lost their lifes. This has brought a lot of arguments on boxing been banned as a sport, but what is the difference of being punched by a glove or getting hit by a shoulder? Boxing has been around since 4000 B.C on Africa, and it first it started as slaves fighting for their freedom (Jezek n.pag). Though …show more content…

Why is it referred the contact chess? That’s because contact chess is not just about hitting your opponent till they fall. It's about outsmarting your opponent in a way you can hit him easier and gain more points in the eyes of the judges. The definition of boxing is hitting without getting hit. This sport is as safe as the rest of the contact sport, that’s why it's considered a sport. The world boxing council is the one that is in charge of making boxing as safe as possible (Queens n.pag). Most of society thinks that only punching is hitting, while we have other sports were they get hit with different parts of the body except with the fists, and that’s why it's acceptable and boxing isn't? Studies in combat sports have revealed that boxing is not in the top ten of the most dangerous sports in the planet (Warnik n.pag). For someone that has never tried this sport has a hard time believing that boxing is not in the top ten most dangerous sports. As a boxer you're more worried about having a good defense then on being on the offense, they know that to be able to win they have to get hit as less as possible. A perfect example could be two great athletes Peyton Manning and Floyd Mayweather their both the same age, and Peyton looks physically older than Floyd. This is impressive, because Peyton plays as a quarterback (the most protected player on the field), and Mayweather is always on the line of

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