
Boy In The Striped Pajamas Essay

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When you are a child you are oblivious to everything in your surroundings, and do not like change. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a book with a lot of meaning, and emotion. A family with 2 kids, mother and father but Ralf the father was the Commandant and the family had to be moved to the Countryside. The little boy Bruno has met friendly people at the new house. Unexpectedly a tragedy happen to the family.
Bruno’s family he had a sister gretel, a mother Elsa, and a father Ralf. Bruno’s father was the Commandant, working under Hitler the Fuhrer. Meaning Bruno’s father was the Commandant, the family had to move from Berlin Germany where all Bruno’s friends, and Grandparents were to the Southern Poland, site of Auschwitz prison camp. Bruno …show more content…

Their family went to Berlin for the funeral. The mother, has found out things and putting them together. The mother has decided she wants her and her family to move back to Berlin. Bruno found out the news, and was nervous to tell Shmuel that he is going to move. The process of packing their house, Bruno thought it would be a good idea to tell Shmuel. Bruno approached to the fence, Shmuel was there. He told him the news, Shmuel was upset. Shmuel has also lost his father, and Bruno wanted to help find him Bruno told Shmuel he will come back tomorrow to help his find his father, Shmuel just has to find the striped pajamas. The next day Bruno asked to play on his swing one last time while his family was packing, he did not go to the swing he went to the fence with Shmuel. Shmuel met Bruno with the striped pajamas, Bruno dug a hole to get into the camp. The boys searched the camp for hours, no evidence. Just as when Bruno was telling Shmuel he should go back home, soldiers were rounding up Shmuel, Bruno and others. The soldiers were making them march into warm, airtight room. Bruno’s mother noticed that Bruno was not on his swing, they rounded up Bruno’s father's soldiers to find him for days, but they were too

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