Fahrenheit 451 Feminist Analysis

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Women in Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 are dystopian novels written by Aldous Huxley and Ray Bradbury. In Brave New World, science has developed to the point where babies are “decanted” from bottles in laboratories, and are conditioned according to the society’s caste system which ranges from Alphas to Epsilons. Through manipulating embryos, conditioning children in their sleep, and keeping the adults happy with a drug called “soma”, peace is maintained. The main character, Bernard Marx, is and “Alpha” by his conditioning and inferior to other Alphas physically. He is insecure and lonely, compared to the rest of the society, because he feels that he does not belong. He is forced to contemplate about the …show more content…

This paper will talk about the women in both novels; how they are developed throughout, what they serve in the plot, and how the authors reflect their views about women through their works. Both Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World show a future where women are inferior to men. Also, the authors have misogynistic views about women. But Fahrenheit 451 is heaps better than Brave New World, because it actually has more intriguing women, and is not reeking of total sexism like BNW. In Fahrenheit 451 Clarisse is the novel’s catalyst. She is affects Montag in such a way, he starts to question his society and whether he’s happy. One thing I did not like about women characters in both Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 is that they are too shallow, they are not three dimensional and they do not come to life on the pages as the male characters do. They serve as plot devices and as a way to make the men of the novel grow, contemplate and learn about themselves. They are easily discarded by the authors; Bradbury kills Clarisse before she gets a chance to develop as a character to speed up Montag’s recognition of the world around him, and Huxley reads like he was trying too hard to make the readers uncomfortable by the promiscuity of women and