Brave New World Lenin Analysis

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Aldous Huxley has made one of Russia’s cruelest leaders a major character in the novel, Brave New World. Lenin is important to Huxley’s Brave New World, because he characterizes Lenina to show his perception of an ideal communist society. She doesn’t question what she has to do, and accepts how the government tells her what to do. She is a brainwashed citizen of the World State, and believes and follows the socialist rule. Lenin is important in world history because he was all about getting the working class to conform and not question the Socialist economic system. Aldous Huxley has really got Lenin’s ideas anthropomorphized in the form of Lenina because she exemplifies how nobody could think or believe anything other than what the government, or Lenin wanted them to. Lenina is a robotic pawn of government in the World Slave State. Lenina isn’t a revolutionary like Vladmir Lenin, some would argue that Lenin and her simply share the same name. Lenin was a head figure in the Socialist government who coined the idea of having mass amounts of people working for “society” and ultimately the one who would benefit is the government. Lenina isn’t an outspoken person sharing and discussing many ideas, she simply likes to follow what the government has suggested her to do without question. The whole idea that Lenin had was that the whole working class should be mindless and just follow orders for the profit and pleasure of the government while private enterprise was being limited to small industries/factories. Lenin had launched a malicious campaign called the Red …show more content…

The person will always have their own thoughts and that’s why socialism is satirically depicted in Brave New World with a caste system to create prejudice between each other to draw away from individuality and free