Brave New World Technology Essay

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Technology: The Wavering Threshold Between Innovation and Manipulation Evading time and context, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World depicts a world dependent on technology and its overall effects on the different aspects of the human society. Through the description of several characters, Huxley is able to exemplify the effects technology has on community, identity, and stability. By doing so, he portrays a dark side where the world is ultimately dependent and hierarchically controlled. This overall insight provided where humans are sustained solely through technology’s aid displays the ultimate weakness in human societies, thus warning of the perils of technology for future generations. Throughout Brave New World, the Director is able to manipulate …show more content…

Pope Francis’s statement rings true as the community is ultimately dependent on one hierarchical branch. As a result, there is no diversity and freedom to deviate from established beliefs. The community’s identity is no longer personally dependent on the individual, but on one collective force. Similarly, this ultimate dependency is mirrored in today’s culture as more civilizations are becoming reliant on simple technology to get things accomplished: one no longer has to verbally speak or physically travel to interact with another human being because technology can do it for one. Thus, more power is given to the technology, or the anarchic cohort behind the technology itself. Although contemporary society has been exposed to, as stated in Laudato Si’, “immense technological development”, the “development in human responsibility, values, and conscience” fails to show accompanying growth (105). Therefore, technology is advancing too quickly for society to maintain control, which explains why modern technology is a precarious tool that is very capable of producing similar effects to those in Brave New