Brave New World Thematic Essay Introduction

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“A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say.” (Italo Calvino) Good morning Mrs Nicholls. From the words of Italo Calvino it can be understood that regardless of when they were written classic novels will still remain relevant for future generations because of their timeless themes and excellent characterisation. Aldus Huxley’s cautionary tale Brave New World warns readers of the dangers of a perfect world and a totalitarian world state, as well as the discordance between happiness and truth. He highlights that nothing has meaning to the infant like inhabitants of the World State who have everything available to them; there are no challenges at all. Through the expert and distinguished opinion of Italo Calvino Brave …show more content…

Readers are introduced to number of interesting characters who from the way they interact with one another, begin to develop a sense of individuality. One such character is John the savage who grew up on a savage reservation. Brought to the city by Bernard, he is the ultimate outsider. He told world controller Mustapha Mond “But I don’t want comfort. “I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.” Huxley highlights to us through the character john that happiness is found with in science, high art and intimate relationships. This is what makes us human and if that is taken away from us we simply just become cogs in the huge machine that society is. Another character Mustapha Mond who has pledged to sacrifice truth if it means that suffering and discontent are eliminated. We too dislike the thought of human suffering so a world without sickness and suffering would be very appealing. However Huxley’s cautionary tale challenges us to choose between free will and suffering or be controlled and happy. Is free will worth the suffering that will come with it? Through the character john Huxley suggests to us that free will and suffering are justifiable as this is what makes us human. The characters allow modern students to engage with the novel and learn from

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