Since the beginning of human history, the world has known three global revolutions. The first was the Paleolithic revolution, when, for the first time human being used stone tools. The second revolution was the Agriculture Revolution. This was a revolution because it changed people's way of living; the was a transition from the Paleolithic era to food plantation and people started to settle permanently in villages. The third revolution was a transition from the agricultural production to the industrial production. The industrial revolution is known to be most important development in human civilization and it have shaped our modern world. The industrial revolution is the only social and economic revolution that did not require war and killing …show more content…
It resulted from changes that had been occurring in global economic relations.1 Even though the industrial revolution began in Western Europe, I chose to compare Brazil and South Africa’s industrialization. These two countries were industrialized thanks to colonization, international trade and the abundance of natural resources. Brazil and South Africa are classified among the developed countries and they are both members of Group of Eight Plus Five (G8+5). The G8+5 is a group of the world's major highly industrialized economies plus five leading emerging economies. My research will be base on the industrial development of both countries from the 16th to the beginning of the 19th centuries. The seed of the industrial development in South Africa was the discovery of diamonds, whereas in Brazil was Sugar and cotton plantations; decades later the success of coffee exportation played the major role in the development of industry in Brazil the same thing happened in South Africa after the discovery of gold mines the industrialization improved dramatically. I will demonstrate the factors that shaped the industrialization in both country and I will show also the problems that both countries faced in journey of developing their industries. In concluding my research paper, I will prove if the Industrial Revolution did or did not occur in these two