Breaking The Every Day By Frank Trippett Analysis

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In America a crime is committed every ten seconds. In Frank Trippett’s excerpt, he says that everybody casually breaks the every day. He supports this statement by giving examples of minor laws that if are broken that person would usually get a ticket or fined. He continues by quoting “You’re a fool if you obey the rules”. The reason he writes this so that people are aware that they are breaking the law and will hopefully stop. People should not agree with the Author because minor laws are more of guidelines and when people get caught they are fined for doing it. Readers who agree with Trippett might say something along the lines of the number of people that they see speeding everyday. An example of this is on freeways or highways. People are often seen speeding in these …show more content…

An example of this is maybe a neighbor is throwing a party and they are a little loud and it is keeping from sleeping or doing work. Yes you can call the cops, but all they will do is ask them to turn down the music or whatever is causing the noise, unless the cops get another noise complaint those neighbors are not going to get into any major trouble. The second reason why people should not agree with the author is because if people are caught doing it they are fined or arrested. An example for this is the freeway or highway again. If the speed limit is 65 miles per hour and everybody is going 70 miles per hour but I am going 80 miles per hour. I can get pulled over and giving a speeding ticket for reckless endangerment. The reason why people should not agree with Trippett is because minor laws are mostly guidelines and when people are caught breaking them they will get reprimanded for it. The author had a good point about how everybody breaks minor law everyday, but that is the thing they are minor laws if they are broken it will most likely not do any harm to anyone