Breast Cancer Persuasive Essay

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Cancer is NO Joke Cancer is one of the main diseases that millions of people face every year. One little issue with cancer can lead to a life threatening moment. There are many different types of cancer, such as breast, colon, skin, prostate, and lung cancer. The type of cancer that I’m going to be talking about is breast cancer. This topic is important to me because my mom had dealt with it when I was five years old. Breast cancer is where tumors start in cells of the breast. About 1 in every 8 women have breast cancer, that is about 12%. Breast cancer usually occurs when some of the breast cell start to grow abnormally. This means that the cell grow more rapidly than they are supposed to, this causes lumps. The cells then spread to the lymph nods. Now, there are treatments for breast cancer, but they come along with side effects. Breast cancer can cause to death to some, if not treated immediately. Other side effects include hair loss, nausea and vomiting, and many more. …show more content…

First, there is surgey. If a man or woman prefers to take surgery, the doctor would remove the tumor in the breast cell. Next, is radiation therapy, which is a treatment with high energy rays that destroy the cancer cells. Third is chemotherapy, which is a treatment that kills cancer cells, with an injection in the vein. Another type of treatment is hormone therapy. Hormone therapy is not actually a cancer treating therapy, it’s just so the cancer cells don’t come back. Then there is targeted therapy, which is where you take specific drugs to target the gene changes that cause cancer. And lastly there

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