Brian Castner Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Brian Castner, a war veteran, a husband, and a father. He wrote the book The Long Walk on his psychologically damaging journey through blood, body parts, tears, bombs, death, and a foot in the box. His stories of the war help deploy the readers sorrow and pity. He utilizes many of his own rhetorical strategies to be able to help the reader better understand his emotions during the war. His portrayal of the war exemplifies the common struggle of a post war damaged man trying to escape his crazy. He effects the reader with his rhetorical strategies that cause the reader to understand his new battle and his old one. With these strategies, Castner reveals a new war phenomenon that many won't ever experience in their lives, until now. Castner uses an excessive amount of imagery in his novel to describe the vivid, horrific details of his unfathomable crazy feeling.
Alone with the Crazy, in the bed where the spiders crawl out of my head and the ceiling presses down to …show more content…

The reader tends to experience a theme each time Castner recites an anecdote. One of the main themes that is repeated quite frequently is “don’t be afraid of the soft sand” which initially is Castner telling himself to suck it up and do what he needs to do. It’s his way to become stronger. This is stated repeated throughout the novel in times when Castner is afraid to do something or doesn’t feel as if he is strong enough. These multitude of themes can help the reader decipher different meanings to each story Castner tells. Castner’s novel The Long Walk was beautifully written. In the chapter, The Day of Six VBIED’s Castner brought together everything perfectly. The stories related to one another and kept the reader attentive throughout the chapter. In the end, Castner achieved his goal of catching the reader’s emotion. Through the use of several rhetorical devices, Castner envelopes the reader in his own snare of emotional