Brian Herne's White Hunters

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In this publication, the author defends hunters by saying that they have conservation at heart. But he says that poachers are the real villains. More so, he says this because they kill for the sole purpose of making profit unlike hunters who do it for sport and trophy collection. Perhaps Brian Herne’s perception is that hunters do not frequent the forest the way poachers do. Hunters may visit the wild whenever they have time on their hands or even during vacations, poaching on the other hand is somewhat a career on its own. Some hunters do it just to maim the beast for a while; a condition that later achieves resolution as opposed to poachers who kill animals and take their horns, hides and skins. All the same, Brian’s school of thought is …show more content…

Hunters and poachers alike are intruders and disturb the peace of wild animals. Ecologies are defined by niches carved out by the animals themselves; any interruptions hinder the life processes of animals and their peaceful existence. The book ‘White Hunters’ is a biography that talks about an expedition or ‘Safari’ in East Africa that lasted approximately seventy years (Herne 044). It was written in the 20th century and it documents an adventure of Herne and his friends. Just like the way people in Texas (nothing stereotypical), become perturbed by trespassers and threaten to shoot them, animals feel uncomfortable to when their lives are meddled with. Africa is a beautiful land and there is a need to explore it, especially tourists because indigenous people are well conversant with their homeland. With respect to an economic perspective, tourism is a lucrative business for many African governments. This is the reason why the sane governments are looking to stop poachers. When the authorities find you in the wild yielding a gun, they will not be interested to know what motive you had. They will arrest and later arraign you in court on grounds of