Brian Robeson Character Analysis

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How would you change if you had to survive in the wilderness for almost two months? I will tell you how Brian Robeson changed when he had to survive in the wild. Some of the changes he went through were weight loss, he was better able to observe and to solve problems, he was better able to survive, and that he was amazed at everyday life are just some of the ways he changed. First, one way Brian changed is that he experienced weight loss. In the epilogue, the author stated that Brian lost seventeen percent of his body weight. “He later gained back six percent, but had virtually no body fat. He lost weight because he ate less than he usually did. As you can see, one change he went through was weight loss. Also, he lost all his body …show more content…

He would know how to make a decent shelter. He would also know how to weave with branches and he could use materials from wherever he was to make tools to hunt with. Another example is that he would know not to eat the choke cherries. As you can see, he would know not to do certain things and he would know to do certain things. This would result in him being able to survive in the wild.
The last way Brian changed is that he was amazed at everyday life in the city. “For years after his rescue he would find himself stopping in grocery stores just to stare at the aisles of food, marveling at the quantity and the variety,’’ the author stated in the epilogue. Before he was rescued he had to hunt his own food, but in the city, he could just go to the fridge or the grocery store. When he was in the forest he got used to getting his own food instead of other people. To recapitulate, some ways Brian changed are that he experienced weight loss, he became a better problem solver, he was better able survive on his own, and he was amazed at everyday life. How do you think you would change if you went through what Brian went