Brianna Johnson: The Life Of A Frog

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The Life of a Frog By:Brianna Johnson Table of Contents
Life Cycle 3
Why are frogs cool 4
Extra facts 5

The frog is an excellent animal. The frog is really cool because of it’s life cycle, adaptations, and habitats. The frog is complex and this makes it interesting. The most important thing to know in this paper is the life cycle since it is where the frog begins.

The frog is an amphibian. This means the frog lives two lives, one on land and one in the water. First, the eggs are laid. The egg goes through a smaller process for the tadpole to develop in the egg. Then, the eggs are fertilized. Next, the eggs go through cleavage. Frogs have 8-cell stage eggs (Biology-pages). The mom and dad frog either leave their eggs or the mother will stay behind and guard the eggs (Water Policy, 2012). Then, the eggs hatch. Then the tadpole starts to eat. The tadpoles have to make sure that they don’t get eaten. By the way they do this is by clinging to stalks of alge. They start to grow back legs. Then, they grow front legs. By now, they are young adults. After about 2-3 years the frog is ready to mate. …show more content…

The frog has a small, compact structure that includes strong quick legs, and large eyes. The frog has a powerful jump. Most of the bones in the frog's body is in its legs. This enables the frog to jump far and move out of the way of its predators quickly. Some frogs can jump over 20 times their own body length; that is like a human jumping 30m. Human bones are spread out throughout the body, but frog’s are close together. Frogs can come in many colors. Some frogs can change colors like a chameleon. Camouflage helps the frog hide from predators. Also, it has an unique shape. The frog can sit upright. The upright shape of the frog allows it to sit up out of the water and breathe. Frogs are able to sit up on rocks and trees. They can leap and swim. This is