Bribery In Kant's Categorical Imperative

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Bribery is defined on the dictionary as offering, giving, or receiving of a bribe, which means giving or receiving of something of value in exchange of specific favorable outcome that it may not occur if it weren’t for the bribe. “Bribery law consists of the criminal rules for dealing with people who attempt to buy influence with public officials and other decision-makers.” (Bribery and Corruption Law). The crime of bribery covers a broad scope of wrongful conduct, for instances, bribes of cash, favors, assets, services, or anything else of value, whether delivered presently or in the future. Bribes can occur directly, or indirectly through third parties in order to disguise the transaction. Even the transaction is not completed, or just offering …show more content…

He believed that in the theory of deontology which says that consequences doesn’t matter, what really matter is the motivation, but how can we know which is a moral motivation? That is a very good question, this’s why Kant came up with Categorical Imperative, which are the steps to we can used to make a decision. There are three main principle in CI. First we have the principal of university, which says that if an action is right for others, then it’s right for us. Let’s talk about bribery, is it moral right? Is it moral wrong? That might be a very subjective topic to discuss because there are many arguments that support both. Many people think it’s the right and others think it’s wrong. That’s why the CI have this other principle about “treat humanity as an end, never as a mean”. To simplify this, a way to say this is to treat humanity as rational beings, and not as a thing. Basically says that if we treat someone as a thing/mean you are disrespecting him, and that’s morally wrong. For example, if a person bribes you, and you don’t have any options but to accept the bribe, then you are a human being capable of making your own decisions because someone is threatening causes you aren’t able to make your own independent decision. However, based on Kant’s theory, bribery is morally wrong