
Brief Summary Of 'Act 1 Scene 5 Of Romeo And Juliet'

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Romeo and Juliet - Act 1 The scene is set at the capulet party. Romeo ended up there because him and Bevolio learned from Peter that Rosaline was going to be there. Benvolio wanted Romeo to go so that he could see that there are women that are more beautiful than her. Fate was already taking part because Romeo found out about this party and without this party, he never would have med Juliet, the love of his life. Right before the Capulet party Romeo says that he has a funny feeling, he says that something is “hanging in the stars”, this means that he feels like something is going to happen, but before actually getting to the party he says that he feels like something bad is going to happen. Romeos mood changes at the beginning of Act 1 Scene 5, when he first sees Juliet. His first words were “What lady’s that witch doth enrich the hand of yonder knight?”, he asked a serviceman this because he was intrigued with Juliet and automatically felt a connection with her. …show more content…

He says “O she doth teach the torches to burn bright”, by saying this he means that she is beautiful and that the torches learn to shine as bright as she does. in the next line he talks about the night and creates a contrast between light and dark, as if to say that when everything is dark, Juliet is still shining bright. Romeo uses a hyperbole when he says “beauty too rich for use”, this is a hyperbole because beauty obviously cannot be rich, let alone too rich for use. The rhyming scheme used is AABB. This is because the ending of each consecutive lines rhyme, this makes it really easy to almost sing this part of the

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