Brief Summary Of Conspiracy To Deraud The Internal Revenue Service

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The reading gives the interview of an individual named Robert, a former lawyer, who was arrested for the crime ‘structuring’ and ended up being convicted on ‘conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service.’ The whole situation started in the handling of money as Robert gives the examples that sometimes his clients needed to borrow money to close on a mortgage or would lend money to him, a couple of these individuals turned out to be his secretary’s cousins who would later do work for. Her cousins lent Robert a large sum of money and to avoid depositing the $10,000 all at once and having to deal with the subsequent requirements of depositing such a large sum, he simply broke up the amount and deposited $9,500 over a period of days to avoid detection. This went on for months, during this time the …show more content…

It wasn’t until he completed a similar procedure with the same individuals attempting to purchase a property in California, this time for $235,000, that the IRS caught wind of what was happening and began an investigation. Initially charged with ‘structuring’ which is the illegal act of structuring the depositing of money that it appears to be less than $10,000, his charges were eventually changed when the original federal prosecutor was taken off the case and Robert was charged and convicted of attempting to defraud the IRS. The cousin and her husband, whose names are Freddie and Maria, were sentenced to 8 years and a similar but shorter term, while his brother who was also involved got three years. During this interview Robert maintains that he didn’t have any knowledge of what was actually happening nor at any time did he become suspicious of the large sums of money the cousins were

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