Brief Summary Of Number One Brian's 'Fire'

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At the beginning of the story the number one Brian is the one that is still from the city and just getting along of how he's going to survive out in the wilderness. He is so scared and he's like a little wimp from the city and his survival skills aren't very good. He starts off by finding food at a berry bush and tries to make a spear to catch animals. He's very stupid and does not know what to do or how to start a fire. Some of the things that he does is to try to catch fish and to try to catch birds. One of the nights he gets attacked by a porcupine and throws his axe and it makes a spark and then and idea pops into his head of how he had to start a fire. Now it's just the beginning of his survival experience as number one Brian. Number to Brian is more survival like and not as good as number 3 Brian. …show more content…

Some of the things that he had to do was catch and eat fish. Another one of the things that he has to do is try to stay alive because there are many wild animals that are dangerous like Bears wolves and mooses. a moose is what had injured him in the first place when he got kicked in the side which hurt him very bad. Brian is very is very like a city boy but also he's learning how to survive at least he is better than number 1 Brian. Brian is good with catching fish and is trying to become good at catching birds. number 3 Brian is very skilled and is able to survive but is having a hard time when it's tornado strikes and destroys his home. many of his experiences before he reached 3 Brian was when he got attacked by the Moose Bear porcupine and skunk. number 3 Brian is the better Brian because he is much more Instinct of how to survive and live off the environment. some of the traits that Brian has is that he adapted and lived to the environment that he was in. He was able to hunt and fish while doing many difficult