Brief Summary Of Odysseus Of Homer's Odyssey

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Odysseus and his men sail to the island of Aeolus after escaping the Cyclops. Before they leave, Odysseus receives from Aeolus a wind that will blow him back to Ithaca and a bag that holds the stormy winds. While they sail, the men get curious and open the bag. This releases the stormy winds and they are blown back to Aeolus’s island. Then Odysseus and his men sail to the land of Laestrygones. The Laestrygones destroy all but one of Odysseus’s ships and kill all but 45 of his men. Odysseus and his men sail to Aeaea. Half of Odysseus’s men stay with him on his ship, and the other half follows Eurylochus to explore Aeaea. Adjective: discouraged.
The men find the hall of Circe with mountain lions and wolves controlled by her evil drug resting at the entrance. Polites hears Circe singing in a charming voice while she is weaving on her loom. He asks that …show more content…

She says that prophecy will be said to him by Tiresias of Thebes. While in the underworld, Odysseus talks to Tiresias, who says that death will follow his crew if they act in the wrong way. He also sees the spirit of his mother who died because of him not being home. When Odysseus and his men return to Circe, she tells Odysseus about the Sirens. She says that the Sirens sing an irresistible song that will sing away the mind of the men who listen to it. Adjective: undaunted.
Circe says that next to the Sirens are the dead bodies of those who heard them sing. Circe says to Odysseus that he should plug the ears of his oarsmen with beeswax so they don’t hear the song the Sirens sing. She says that his men should tie him to the mast of the ship if he wants to listen to the Sirens. When he and his men start to sail, he tells his men about the Sirens. Odysseus put beeswax into the ears of his men. Odysseus’s men then tie him to the back of the mast so he could listen to the Sirens without endangering himself or the rest of his men. Adjective: