Brief Summary Of The Documentary Sound And Fury

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Often, I think we view being deaf as a disability that deprives individuals of living a normal life. Although, after watching the documentary “Sound and Fury,” I have learned that individuals born and raised in deaf culture just view it as a way of life, and if a child is born deaf, that child is now just a part of the deaf community. The documentary shows the true clash of cultures between the deaf and the hearing regarding the children in the video. Despite the conflicts, the video highlights the promise of technology and how individuals born deaf can learn how to communicate through English. Watching the documentary shows the viewers the difficulty of navigating the parental dilemmas parents go through raising a deaf child. “Sound and Fury” is a great documentary showing the true heartbreak and happiness that comes with either raising a deaf child or growing up a deaf child. …show more content…

Many individuals in the deaf community view deafness as the only possible way of life for individuals born deaf. Although hearing individuals with exposure to the deaf community think deaf children should have the opportunity to be a part of both communities, deaf and hearing, after watching Heather’s father and his mother fight over the possibility of Heather getting a cochlear implant, I wasn't sure what to think. I understand the purpose of upholding a specific culture that many cherish, but I also understand giving someone the opportunity to be a part of both hearing and deaf cultures to limit the heartache one might go

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