Brief Summary Of The Film 'Waiting For Superman'

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In 2010, Davis Guggenheim made the documentary “Waiting for Superman” to show that our public school systems have been deteriorating since they were established in the 1950’s. With our poor public education program, the rise of the charter school system was upon us, giving children another opportunity to get a quality education if they could not afford a private school. This film discusses that people who live in the inner cities and in poor neighborhoods do not have equal opportunities and set for a life of failure if they go to the local public school. This film discusses the theme of basic human rights and how everyone should have access to equal opportunities but does not happen because of where these children grew up. Another film that focuses on theme of basic human rights is “Dallas Buyers Club”, which is the story of Ron Woodroof and dealing with his AIDS …show more content…

He is able to get the medicine he needs by going to other countries such as Mexico, Japan and the Netherlands to get treatment. He is able to secure thousands of doses for these non-FDA approved drugs and distribute them to people in Texas and assist people who are suffering from the same disease as him. In both of these films they focus around the theme of human rights but the emergence of two social problems being, the oppressive bureaucracy of organizations and unequal civil rights among the community. To start, we are going to look at problem of unequal civil rights in the community in both of these films. In the film “Waiting for Superman” five kids are trying to get away from the public school system via lottery. The public

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