Christy (1967) is a historical fiction by Christian author Catherine Marshall set in the fictional Appalachian village of Cutter Gap, Tennessee, in 1912. The novel was inspired by the story of the journey made by her own mother, Leonora Whitaker, to teach the impoverished children in the Appalachian region as a young, single adult. The novel explores faith and mountain traditions such as moon shining, folk beliefs and folk medicine. While attending a Christian revival meeting, 19-year-old Christy Huddleson was fascinated when she listened to the founder of an Appalachian mission program as he described the work his group was doing and the needs of the Cutter Gap community. Christy, the daughter of a well-to-do family in Asheville, North Carolina, …show more content…
As Christy became better acquainted with MacNeill and Miss Alice, she discovered that the physician 's late wife was Miss Alice 's daughter (conceived when a predatory visiting minister raped Alice as a teen), and that the physician 's agnosticism was partly a reaction to the apparent injustice of his wife 's death. Christy 's faith was tried by these and other revelations, at the same time that she was romantically drawn both to the minister and the physician.
Christian suspense has undergone more changes than any other Christian genre in past few years. Once it needed high- redemption elements that made it rich in suspense. This acts as one of the best entry points for many new Christian fiction writers and also secular readers. This Christian suspense is considered to be the mainstay of the genre. The critical difference between Christian suspense and other suspense novel is “spiritual elements “that can be carried out only in Christian