Brief Summary Of The Sneetches Applying Maslow's Theory

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As an illustration,the Sneetches illustrated Maslow’s theory because it shows the sense of belonging,esteem, and self-actualization. The Sneetches wanted to be exactly like the “star- bellied sneetches” because they left them out of all the activities, such as, frankfurter roast and playing games this had an extreme effect on the other Sneetches. They seemed the same in appearance, but the others had green stars on the stomach. Thus,iIt divided their community of all Sneetches because the star-bellied thought they were better than them. Despite of their love and belonging needs, their status was the most important thing to them. The star-bellied sneetches bragged all day about their bellies, and put their snouts in the air to show how high quality …show more content…

This makes the other Sneetches feel sad and oppressed;it seems as there is nothing to do about not having ¨star upon thars.¨ Anyhow, the Sneetches self-actualization was extreme, they would do anything to be just like the others. So, one day when a man came with his machine that could give them stars upon their bellies, and all of them took the opportunity. They all had the desire to be the superior, belong, the recognition they wanted they got it. The Sneetches illustrate a lot of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs because of their behavior and status issues. More importantly, the article ¨How Tribalism Word Makes A Risky Word More Dangerous,¨ has connections by showing the powerful instinct of tribalism and all the needs from Maslowś theory. The word tribalism is behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one's own tribe or social group. WIth this in mind, we all need a tribe to keep us in a state of feeling loved and our safety needs. As much as people do not think

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