Brief Summary: The Evolution Of Midwifery (1716)

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The Evolution of Midwifery (1716) Why was the midwife created? They were created to help mothers, because, their husbands couldn't help them to prepare for what was coming next. In the 1700s you would need a licence to be a midwife, as it was still very illegal to be one. When “women went into labor, they faced birth with fear of death and judgment” ( 2013). If during childbirth a death occurred, it was noted. A scientist estimated that 95% of childbirths were successful at the time. The father or husband did not attend the childbirth, as it was considered crude to watch or help in the procedure. There were very few doctors in the room, it was most likely a women doctor and the midwife that delivered the baby. Doctors in the 1700s where not properly educated, the only education they had, was mainly self-help books on medicine. Starting in 1799 midwifes were much more educated and their practice became refined. These were led by Dr Valentine Seaman. There were few women that came, but men also came to practice. …show more content…

This affected women because more were being declined as midwifes due to social influences. Soon after the war (1825) Germans came to America and introduced homeopathy, which a method of treating illness using drugs given in small doses. Medical schools accepted this form of treatment for women. Therefore, this allowed midwives to attend school in order to become educated in homeopathy and apply this practice to midwifery; this then made midwifery more popular. During this time all doctors were limited to training because of all the

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