British Rebellion In The 1700s

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The British in the 1700s controlled a massive empire all around the world and they knew how to deal with a rebellion, but they had never had a rebellion where former British residents were the rebels. The colonists had a very extreme reaction to a handful of simple taxes the British put in place that were only supposed to help finance the previous wars in North America, most notably the French and Indian War. The British reacted very reasonably against the colonial tax resistance, and the colonists only worsened the situation as they were overreacting about very small taxes. After the British attempted to pass taxes to help finance the recent wars with France, the colonists began on their rampage against any kind of British tax on the goods they bought. The first tax that Britain passed was the Sugar Act of 1764, this tax was on sugar goods and after a lot of unrest Parliament finally lowered the price of the tax and the colonists were satisfied. However, a year later the colonists were thrown in another fit after the Stamp Act was passed. The Stamp Act was different from the Sugar Act as the colonists would have to pay it directly and in addition to every purchase of paper they made. The colonists almost erupted in complete rebellion over the law, however Parliament repealed the law. …show more content…

These laws were called the Intolerable Acts by the colonists. These laws were considered extreme by the colonists as they closed Boston Harbor, made it so all law cases pertaining to British officials had to be held in Britain, banned town meetings, and made Massachusetts colonists house and feed the British regulars. The colonists thought this was an unreasonable reaction, but in all reality Britain really should have done this