Brittan's Rebellion

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People depict the American Revolution in terms of Patriots and Loyalists – those who supported the rebellion, patriots, and those who supported the British government, loyalists. Brittan has robbed us clean of our food, money, houses, and our rights, even after we helped them defeat the French in the war. I believe we should rebel against Brittan and fight for our rights, independence, and freedom. Parliament keeps enforcing taxes and restrictions, they killed our brethren in the Boston massacre, and conjured up a war. Assertion 1: First, Brittan keeps piling taxes and restrictions, one after the other, such as The Stamp act, The Quartering act, and The Proclamation of 1763. The Stamp act was an act, which we the colonists had to pay taxes: on printed papers, newspapers, pamphlets, marriage licenses, and playing cards. The stamp act was enforced in 1765 to raise money to pay off debts in the French and Indian war. The Quartering act was an act, which Great Britain wanted to protect its colonies and also keep them under close control. In 1765 the British parliament passed the quartering act law. It forced us to give the soldiers quarters, food, and transportation. We were robbed and infuriated. At last, Brittan restricted all settlement across the Appellation Mountains. This made speculators who wanted to purchase land there …show more content…

My brother Bob was one of the 5 victims who died protesting against the British, poor guy he was stabbed by a bayonet. The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5, 1770. The Boston Massacre was when a crowd of colonists started to taunt some soldiers then seven other soldiers joined with loaded muskets. The soldiers fired, 5 dead and 6 wounded. At the trial, John Adams and Josiah Quincy II, defended the British, leading to their acquittal and release. Samuel Quincy and Robert Treat Painewere, the attorneys for the prosecution. Later, two of the British soldiers were found guilty of