Broken Bone Research Paper

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A fracture is a broad medical term use to define a broken bone. The bone is broke due to an outside physical force. When the fracture is severe, treatment options may go beyond traditional casting methods. A highly skilled fracture surgeon in California may need to be consulted in order to repair and restore function of the broken bone.
Symptoms of a Fracture
A fracture can happen to anyone for various reasons including a fall, an auto accident, sports or other traumatic event. Statistically, people will experience a minimum of two fractures within their lifetime, most occur during childhood. The symptoms of the fracture may vary with each person due to the surrounding circumstances creating the broken bone.
• Pain in a specific area that …show more content…

In most situations, a skilled doctor can recognize of broken bone simply through initial examination and x-rays. Other more severe cases may need a MRI, CT scan or other tests to help achieve an accurate diagnosis.
Casting and traction may be used when the broken bone is not too severely damaged.
A fracture surgeon in California may help to control bleeding, prevent infection and maintain the broken bone to ensure proper healing. Surgery may involve internal fixation procedures including the use of wires, screws, plates and other devices to properly set the bone for maximum healing potential. Follow all the instructions from the emergency room health care professional to the orthopedic surgeon will help with an optimal outcome.
Working with the Best
A severe or complex fracture can be frightening event. Dr. Howard Marans, a leading fracture surgeon in California will devise a treatment program for each individual’s situation to ensure the best possible outcome. He will begin with the initial diagnosis to help discuss the variety of treatment options available. If needed, reparative surgery will follow. After surgery, Dr. Marans will continue to monitor the healing progress of the fracture including scheduling physical therapy if

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