Broken Britain Research Paper

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“Broken Britain” have become a popular term politicians and media uses to describe Britain. The number of teenage pregnancies, drug abuse, domestic offences, burglary, violence and other crimes have been increasing dramatically over the last ten years. Some describe this transformation as a “moral collapse” in the British society. These ratings continues to rise without any thing being done to stop this. But how broken is Britain really? Crimes, drug abuse and teenage pregnancies occur on a daily basis, worldwide, so why is it that it’s just Britain that is being said as “broken”? The statistics provided to us by the Guardian shows that some of the crimes such as drug offenses, criminal damage, domestic burglary, robbery, and violence rates …show more content…

She was the leader of the Conservative Party and also known as the Iron Lady due to her ruthless politics and leadership. Here reforms were known as Thatcherism and she was behind some of the key changes in UK’s recent history. She introduced a series of political and economic changes to reverse the high unemployment in Britain and avoid low inflation. (Wikipedia, 2015). She wanted free markets, nationalism and privatization. (PP, 2015) After the death of Margaret Thatcher in April 2013, there were many mixed emotions from the British people. She both united and divided the people of …show more content…

During her first term in office, the unemployment percent increased dramatically, due to privatizations and removing government subsidies. Many British firms were now bankrupt and the pressure towards the government policy was growing. Britain had a lot of industries that were not efficient and did not make enough money to fend for themselves and the industry. Thatcher cut the subsidies to industries like shipbuilding, coal mining and car manufacturing. This lead to a massive shock for the people and communities who lost their jobs, homes and income, due to this new politic. In 1984, 20 coalmines were shut down and more than 20 000 lost their jobs during this year. This meant for some of the people that the main source of employment were gone and this affected whole towns and communities through England. On 12 March 1984, the miners declared a national strike, which lasted over a year. This strike resulted that the miners did not have an income for a whole year and was fully dependent on charity for a long time. (PP, 2015). The number of poor people was escalating and the welfare system were failing. Thatcher declared war when Argentine forces invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands during 1982. Britain won the war and this victory boosted the national confidence with the British people and reassured Britain’s international position. This victory also assured the

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