Brown V Board Of Education Essay

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Brown v. Board of Education was and still is a prolific United States Supreme Court case that declared segregation of public schools unconstitutional. This decision is one of the most acknowledged decisions in history and change the future of our educational system. At a time where African American students received unfair treatment as well as unfair educational privileges, this case made everyone cognizant of a matter that needed to be adjusted. Black students were not given the same opportunity as white students who received the best education. Brown v. Board of Education provided every student, regardless of racial background an opportunity to learn on equal levels. Brown v. Board of education is an important case that helps African Americans and several other races receive better equality in the United States. Brown v. This case helped Americans understand exactly what African Americans went through during those harsh times and that separate but equal did not work and held no merit. This case is one of the reasons why black and white people no longer have separate accommodations. This case changed the “separate but equal” law everyone was accustomed to and eventually, Brown vs. Board of education ultimately bought equality to all races. …show more content…

Her father Oliver Brown, wanted his daughter to enroll in the all-white elementary school which wasn’t far from their home, but unfortunately the principal of the elementary school denied access simply because she was. Brown saw the blatant discrimination and sought out help from the NAACP. McKinley Burnett, the head of Topeka's NAACP branch asked him for help regarding the situation. Time was not wasted putting his concerns first as they took his complaint serious and went into action with his

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