Julius Caesar Essay

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The play ‘Julius Caesar’ is a political play that was written by William Shakespeare. One of the main characters in the play is Brutus. Brutus and Cassius are close, military, political and longtime friends of Caesar. Caesar is a great Roman General who is fond of coming home with victory from wars. The time of the play is around an anticipated major political transition. Although Caesar is not the main character, the reader identifies with him through other characters. People throughout the play are attempting to anticipate what might happen if Caesar becomes the king. Caesar himself does not say he wants to be the king. He even tried to show the people that he did not want to be king. The audience sees this when “Why, there was a crown offered him; and, being offered him, he put it by with the back of his hand, thus; and then the people fell …show more content…

Brutus failure can be explained by two reasons. First, lack of a practical understanding of men and politics. Though very intellect, Brutus fails to interact with people but instead advances in logical and abstract decision making. However, the aggressive political dynamic requires that individuals be adaptable, bargaining and compromising. Brutus’ ideologies, however though honorable, are rigid. Being this calculation is what leaves him prone to being manipulated by Cassius. The logical and abstract meaning that he attaches to Caesar’s assassination blocks him from seeing the need to examine the political maneuvering that is used to justify the murder. In contrast to Brutus, Antony proves to be the most adaptable of all the characters. Although he becomes powerful through offering himself to honor Caesar’s will and give the citizens their money he doesn’t tie himself to this ethical limitation. He uses the fund for political expenditure. He becomes a successful politician but has lost honor and nobility. His ensues because he has a connection with the people and their needs as well as knowledge about political