Brutus Caesar Making Decisions

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In life, problems arise frequently. With problems one has to make decisions that are hard to make. It is difficult to find the right decision that will be best for everyone but it is not what the heart is wanting. Brutus, Cassius, and the conspirators have a big decision to kill Caesar or not to kill Caesar. Cassius knows in his head what he must do for Rome and himself. Brutus has to chose following his head or his heart. The conspirators just know that they must follow Brutus and Cassius and that will be the best decision. Doing what is right and what one thinks is right are two different things; Brutus and Cassius will make a decision that will ultimately lead to they deaths. When making decisions people tend to lean to the decision that helps them the most, even people from ancient times. For example, Cassius had the decision to kill Caesar, which was not a tough decision when Cassius had so much to gain. When Caesar dies, Brutus will be moved up …show more content…

The conspirators did just this. They listened to Cassius and Brutus on what they thought was the right thing to do. So that made it okay for the conspirators to kill Caesar. For them it was following what was right and not stopping to see what they really thought was right. They just went with Cassius and Brutus because they were the two men that knew what was right. When they could have followed they hearts and made their own opinion. To some people making the right decision is always the best decision. For Cassius, Brutus, and the conspirators killing Caesar was the best decision and the one that made sense. Killing one person to save all of Rome was the right thing to do. It stopped one person from taking over Rome and the people of Rome would not be slaves to Caesar. Or also for some it was beneficial to them selves if Caesar was dead. They could now have higher power over Rome. It was the right chose for