Building A Vocabulary

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Building a Vocabulary The following paper will define and explore terms that pertain to nursing research. It will broaden the student nurse practitioner’s understanding of basic research terms. It will also show how these terms are utilized in different aspects of practice. This assignment will include a definition of the required terms followed by a brief reflection about what I have learned while doing the research. I will also include a brief statement of how the terms relate to research and evidence based practice. Use of the research process stems far beyond nursing alone. The research process is used to find answers to questions that we find within our nursing practice as well as our every-day lives. Using the process allows the …show more content…

Evidence-based practice also places value on the patient and their experiences. Practice guidelines are used in primary care to lower costs of care, standardize care rendered and decrease potential liability. (Hamric, 2014). Using evidence-based medicine involves a systemic process that involves finding and evaluating the science behind the phenomenon. The next step consists of assimilating the science and making suggestions. Following this, one will implement the recommendations, followed by an evaluation to measure the effects. Evidence based medicine allows a practitioner to use sound research to provide care for their patients with the patient’s overall experience in mind (Hamric, …show more content…

(Salters-Pedneault, 2015). Another definition of meta-analysis is “a technique used to integrate theory-testing research” (Butts, 2014). Meta-analysis is also considered at the top of the evidence pyramid along with systematic reviews because both use multiple studies to determine the effects of specific interventions (Hamric, 2014). One will use published results and identify trends across the studies. (Salters-Pedneault, 2015). The author of the article goes on to explain that studies commonly have a small sample size. A meta-analysis of several studies about the same subject can aid in identifying trends across a larger group to draw conclusions on a grander scale. This also increases statistical significance. One drawback according to the author is that accumulating the evidence can be time-consuming (Salters-Pedneault,

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