
Bull Meecham Character Traits

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Every day, Bull Meecham goes under a metamorphosis; in which he splits his two personas depending on the ambience of the environment. At work he is a tyrant trying to transform his squadron into the best first-rate Marine Corps squad, the nonpareil team that Bull wants them to be. At home, he is training his 'sportsfans' to be leaders, to be the finest young squadron members that ever existed. He takes pride in his career, so it's his own way of showing his love and affection for his children. And when he's in public, he could be mistaken for the common man of Ravenel. Bull Meecham wears his pride in the Marine Corps everyday while he's in public: his uniform. In uniform, he is a colonel, a man of the tribe known as the Marine Corps. Bull Meecham wants to experience a part of life that doesn't come from the Marine Corp, but from the town he's living in. So he chooses to be a regular at Hobie's Grill, a dining area for the misfits of Ravenel. At Hobie's, he listens to the sometimes mindless drivel of the common men of Ravenel. They do not receive the same satisfaction that Bull does from being a part of such a powerful close knit family; but he does not …show more content…

He wants his family to represent the perfect Marine family: poised, efficient, and disciplined. Whenever a family member gets knocked down, Bull yells at them to work harder. Whenever a family member transcends his expectations, Bull works harder to be the alpha of the family. The Marine of the family is always the proudest and strongest, and they feel the need to live up to their name. Bull wants his family to be a reflection of the Marines, but families don’t work that way. You don’t hit your son when he beats you at a game. You congratulate him and boost his confidence up. Bull Meecham wants his family to wear the seal of the Marine Corps like it’s a tattoo given by

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