Burma Vs Dollar Shave Essay

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Burma and Dollar shaves both kept their advertising budgets low. Dollar Shave was able to keep costs down because of their connections with marketing firms. Both companies implemented humor into their ads. They used wording that made an impact on the reader; Burma used poems and puns; Dollar Shave used curses and a play on words for their tag line “Shave Time. Shave money”. Burma and Dollar shave tried to invoke anticipation from the viewer; Burma had the viewer needing to complete the sentence as they drove by; Dollar shave led them from room to room wondering what would happen next. They both used shock value in their ads; Burma used poems to discuss horrible driving events; Dollar shave strategically placed a curse in the first few seconds of the video; they also had a baby shaving a man’s head and the CEO was wielding a machete. I think their biggest difference would be the platform for getting their message to the viewer. Obviously, at the time Burma was advertising, they were limited in their means to advertise. Burma used a friendlier, more caring approach to their advertisement. The poems often pleaded with people to drive …show more content…

Functional radio broadcasting was new, televised spots weren’t an option yet, and obviously no internet. They probably had to resort to Billboards, newspaper or word of mouth to advertise their product. The signs they created really were a first for viral and guerilla marketing. They also probably paved the way for the “jingles” that are often associated with advertising. This makes Burma the most innovative and groundbreaking, in my opinion. Dollar Shave used social media and viral marketing to get their message across. This has been done many times before, although Dollar Shave was able to do it extremely well. The humor and shock factor made this video extremely enjoyable to watch. This made spreading the video

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