Burning Books In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Burning books is a sin for those who have knowledge, it’s burning knowledge that people could be learning from. Burning a book is like disobeying parents, guardians, authority, or even god. Ray Bradbury wrote the novel, Fahrenheit 451, to inform people how burning books is preventing people from gaining knowledge and for those who lost the power of having knowledge at all. Burning books are taking away the knowledge of people and is causing the society to replace books with technology. In Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag was sent to go burn a house down, because of a lady having books in her home. The lady decided to stay in her house with the books whether they burned down her house or not. Montag realized that there has to be a specific reason …show more content…

To write a book, the writer would have to do way more work than using a computer. For example someone who put a lot of thinking and effort is behind the book anybody has read, “‘I realized that a man was behind each one of the books. A man had to think them up. A man had to take a long time to put them down on paper’” (Bradbury 52). Not only back then when we didn’t have a computer to look up things we didn’t know, they had to come up with everything on their own when they wrote a book. Authors now can look up ideas on the internet if they are stuck with not knowing what to write next in their book they are writing. In Fahrenheit 451, Montag realized what was behind the book he was reading. The author that wrote that book didn’t chose to sit in his house and be sucked into the television like Montag’s wife, Mildred, did. However the government wants what is best and that would be to not use books, “The government exercises strict mind control over its citizens, especially by banning the ownership and reading books in favor of commonplace state-run television” (Seidel). Mildred chose to sit in her house all the time and be lonely. She decided to be sucked into the television and the television also decided to suck in Mildred. Without books, the society depends on technology or television. The technology is people’s knowledge. The society went from tons of books to tons of new improved