Business Ethics Vs Personal Ethics

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Ethics can be well-defined generally as a set of moral principles or values. Each people has such a set of values, although we may or else may not have considered them clearly. (Louwers, 2015) Philosophers, religious groups, and other groups have well-defined in numerous means ideal sets of moral principles or values. Examples of suggested sets of moral principles or values include laws and regulations, church doctrine, codes of business ethics for professional groups such as CPAs, and codes of conduct within organizations. (Besley, Mark S.) Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. (Wikipedia, 2016). Ethics is two things. First, ethics …show more content…

(Elder). Rushworth Kidder states that standard definitions of ethics have typically included such phrases as 'the science of the ideal human character' or 'the science of moral duty'. Moreover, ethics has been defined as the study of moral principles and values that govern the actions and choices of an individual or group. While personal ethics vary from individual to individual at any point in time, most people within a society are able to decide about what is considered ethical and unethical behavior. In fact, a society passes Laws that define what its citizens consider to be the more extreme forms of unethical behavior. (Pany) Generally, why do people act …show more content…

Environments that raise and encourage individualistic behavior as opposed to a climate that emphasizes doing what is best for other employees, customers, and the community. (Kish-Gephart, (2010) ) Apart from that, there may be many reasons that drive people to cross the line and act unethically. Pressure can cause people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. For example, pressure to make a success, pressure to get ahead, pressure to meet deadlines and expectations, pressure from co-workers, bosses, customers, or vendors to engage in unethical activities or at least look the other way. (BLR’s presentation "Business Ethics: What Employees Need to Know.) Next, some people make unethical choices because they are not sure about what really is the right thing to do. Frequently, ethical problems are complex, and the proper choice may be far from obvious. Of course, some people do not just do something wrong in a weak moment or because they are not sure about what is the right thing to do. Some people know exactly what they are doing and why. Self-interest, personal gain, ambition, and downright greed are at the bottom of a lot of unethical activity in business. (BLR’s presentation "Business Ethics: What Employees Need to