Different Types Of Business Etiquette

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There are many different types of business etiquette that should be used in the workplace. Each is important; hence each should be treated as such. The different ways include etiquette in meetings, e-mail etiquette, social etiquette, telephone etiquette and confidentiality. In this chapter, I will discuss the different types of business etiquette and how they should be used. Meeting etiquette are the styles and practices one should adopt at professional business meetings, seminars, conferences, presentations, etc. Having proper meeting etiquette comprises of many different aspects. Firstly, you must arrange the meeting and advise all persons involved. Meeting Etiquette involves scheduling …show more content…

A human resources department is a critical component of employee well-being in any business, no matter how small”. Within the survey conducted, the question ‘What is the role of the Human Resources Department as it relates to enforcing business etiquette rules?’ was asked. In response to this question, Mr. Wells said, “The Human Resources Department’s role is to ensure that all employees from the CEO down to the line staff are adhering to the company’s policy. As etiquette being so important, if one member of the team does not follow the etiquette protocol it can lead to a disruption within the business model”. Therefore, it is essential for a successful business to have a Human Resources …show more content…

According to emilypost.com, “The way you take care of your body and anything you put on it is an important part of your image. Paying attention to grooming and taking care with your clothing demonstrates respect for yourself and for others. You should always be neat and clean.” The picture on the following page (Figure 6) contrasts the ways one should and should not dress in a business.

Figure6: Contrasting appropriate and inappropriate attire in a business setting

Furthermore, the importance of business etiquette can also be shown through the consequences put in place if the policies and rules introduced by the Human Resources Department are not followed. These consequences are shown in the employee handbook. According to the employee handbook of Scotiabank, “Depending on the severity of the offense, you could receive an oral warning notice and written documentation in your department file for any of the following offences:
• Wasting time, sleeping, deliberately loafing during hours of work, loitering, or leaving the Company’s premises without permission
• Willful violation of designated starting time, lunch periods and quitting time; failure to report an absence or late arrival
• Defacing Company’s property
• Unreported absence
• Profane or abusive communication so as to cause offense or underline the morals of