Business Of Scenery

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The national parks in the United States are filled with spectacular natural land and rock formations, pure and clear lakes, and unique wildlife found nowhere else. However, many individuals never experience what these parks have to offer. National parks are underdeveloped compared to scenic areas of other countries. Robert Sterling Yard is a business man using his skill and knowledge to propose a plan to develop national parks and create a booming scenery market with private businesses. In Robert Sterling Yard’s article, “Making a Business of Scenery”, Yard uses comparisons, examples, and imagery to persuade his audience that national parks in the United States should be treated like a private business.

Switzerland has a large congregation of mountains that it has built a scenery business upon. Yard claims the Swiss knew that “snow-covered peaks were as good as gold mines; that glaciers and precipices paid like factories; that lake shores were as profitable as ocean fronts”. The comparisons of elements of a scenic region to prosperous businesses show that there is a …show more content…

Yard uses imagery to describe the beauty of national parks. He writes, “we have the spectacular glaciers of Mount Rainier National Park, and the marvelous mountain scenery of our Sierra parks”. The description of national parks in the United States rival the scenery found on foreign countries. Although the UNites States is abundant in scenic regions, they are not developed enough to be profitable or as well known as some tourist locations in other countries. National parks have the potential to become an enormous industry because of its large stock of breathtaking scenery, but there are no businesses to run such an industry. By describing imagery of the scenery in the United States, Yard convinces his audience that there is a market in scenery and a need for private businesses to run such a