Business Power: The American Fur Company And The Standard Oil Force

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THE NATURE OF BUSINESS POWER : business has tremendous power to change society. and all the extent of this power is underappreciated. In pas eras, companies in ascending industries change societies by alternating all three of their primary elements, ideas, institutions, and material things. This effect is visible in the stories of dominant companies such as American tobacco company, The American Fur company, and The Standard Oil force. The cumulative power off all business is a massive, irrepressible shipping force. here we discuss and underline the dynamics of this power to change society . We then discuss its limits. WHAT IS POWER : POWER : The force or strength to act OR to compel other entity to act. power is the force or …show more content…

The grounds of legitimacy vary between societies and over time. Child labor, once widespread in the united states, is no longer permitted, but it exists on other nations. As we will see the definition of common goods is that business must serve has expended throughout American history and is now expanding globally. LEVEL AND SPHERES OF CORPORATION POWER : Corporation have an impact on society at two levels, and on each level they create change. On the surface level, business power is direct cause of visible, immediate changes, both great and small. corporations expends and contract, hire and fire, then make and sell products. On a deep level, corporation power shapes society over time through the aggregate change of industrial growth. At this level corporation power creates many indirect, unforeseen, and invisible effects. Multiple lines of event coverage and interact in complex network of cause and effect. At this deep level the working of corporation power are unplanned, unpredictable and show to appear, but they are far more significant. Corporate power is something more than man. On both the surface and deep levels, business power is exercised in spheres corresponding to the seven business environment set. 1-ECONOMIC POWER 2-TECHNOLOGICAL POWER 3-POLITICAL POWER 4-LEGAL POWER 5-ENVIROMNMENTAL

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