Buying Time To Enrich Learning Case Study

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Curriculum compacting is defined as “a technique for differentiating instruction that allows teachers to make adjustments to curriculum for students who have already mastered the material to be learned, replacing content students know with new content, enrichment options, or other activities.” Those students who have demonstrated mastery of a specific content or have the ability to show mastery rather quickly would bypass the standard classroom content to work on more advanced or challenging content that interests them. The effects of curriculum compacting on gifted students is that they are able to engage in more extended activities that will ultimately motivate learning. In the case study, Buying Time to Enrich Learning, Joanie has mastered long division as determined by pre-test results. So why should she be required to sit through a …show more content…

He doesn’t see the value in it nor does he see a need. He feels as though things are working just fine. However, he does not realizing that the reasons he gives for not pulling his ‘talent pool’ students are the reasons they should be pulled. Gifted students are not assistant teachers and should not be seen as a resource to help in the classroom. They are students with whom he has been charged to teach, and unfortunately he seems to be falling short. Gifted students thrive in an environment that offers them alternate course work based on their interest and ability levels. So, providing curriculum alternatives would motivate the gifted students. We have read many articles that have explained the effect of not challenging gifted students in our classrooms. Curriculum Compacting: A Necessity for Academic Advancement states unchallenged gifted students may become disillusioned with school, begin to lose focus in class, and sometimes even stop doing their work. John needs to realize the risks he is taking with these talented students’

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