California Proposition 13 Essay

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In 1978 a group of California residents and businesses decided to pass a proposition that would reduce the overall tax rate for all local governments. The Ambivalent Legacy had California citizens and legislatures took a vote which lead to the passing of Proposition 13. Proposition 13 increased all states and local tax it also reduced property tax rates on homes, businesses and farms by 57% this was a great impact on not only California but as well as the United States.

California passing proposition 13 socially impacted America by being named the “People’s initiative to limit property taxation”. It was called this because proposition 13 was an Amendment of the constitution of California. Local communities and school funding acts saw this …show more content…

Within 10 years of this passage, California grew 50% faster than other nations as a whole. Jobs also grew twice as much and business owners we’re increasing. California proposition 13 official name is the people’s initiative to limit property taxation. It got this name by a statewide vote ballot. Unlike other websites this website gave an background about Prop 13 it also went into detail about what happened before proposition thirteen and the tax reforms. A unique thing that this website did was it gave a total count of six “Specific Features” These features we’re basically adjustments that we’re made after the passing of Proposition 13. The first feature is called One percent Rate Cap and this one basically talks about how tax rate was limited to one percent. The next one is Assessment Rollback , assessment rollback is where property values we’re rolled back. The following one called the Responsibility for allocating property tax transferred to state is about how this initiative allowed state lawmakers to allocate property tax. The one after that was Reassessment upon change of ownership this one discussed more about the houses and the increase taxes on houses. Next to last was the vote requirements for state taxes this one is self explanatory it's just like the title says its the requirements in order to vote. The final feature is the voter approval for local “Special” taxes and these are your special purpose that must be approved and voted