Calisto's Micro Environment Analysis

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Theme 2
Identify a business entity in your area and apply the entrepreneurial knowledge and skills you have learned to write a profile for that business.
I have chosen ‘Calisto’s’, an authentic Portuguese restaurant/franchise with a variety of influences from around the world to create a unique different and special blend of flavours which will be sure to tantalise all taste-buds.

The micro environment focuses on the internal aspects of the business over which the business has complete control and influence over

VISION - The vision of Calisto’s is aimed to ensure complete satisfaction to their customers by serving good quality and mouth-watering food as well as affordability.

MISSION –To be the best Portuguese restaurant …show more content…

They ensure consumer satisfaction to its finest as ‘’consumer is king’’.

The market environment refers to all aspects that will be found outside the organisation that will have either a positive or negative effect on the organisation.

CUSTOMERS – the main target market is the general public. Calisto’s caters for halaal and kosher customers. They need to ensure customer satisfaction to have a loyal clientele. Customers are all those people who spark an interest in buying goods or obtaining services.

SUPPLIER – Calisto’s believes that relationships with its suppliers is of great importance as to ensure that they receive the best quality goods from their respective raw material suppliers to ensure the constant satisfaction of their customers. Certain foods are imported and when dealing with imports the organisation must ensure that there is a well-constructed agreement in which all parties involved understand and abide to the agreement. Supplies can be understood to be another business who provides certain goods or services that are intended for …show more content…

Calisto’s makes regular payments as sponsors to youth development football teams e.g. Mayfair FC.

Calisto’s must keep up with the ever changing advancements in technology.
Calisto’s must be run according to certain laws and regulations.
e.g. Basic conditions of employment act, broad based black economic empowerment and labour relations.

Calisto’s must ensure that the running of the business operations does not harm the environment in any way. E.g. illegal dumping of waste and recycling.

STRENGHS: Calisto’s is a franchise business that has been in operation for many years and because it is franchise based it is a tried and tested formula so there is a greater chance for the business to succeed.

WEAKNESSES: The constantly changing exchange rate makes it difficult to import food such as prawns. Competition could also hamper success. Customers not being loyal could also cause a downfall.

OPPURTUNITIES: More customers coming in. Word of mouth, by people talking highly of the food and customer service. By providing customer satisfaction people will constantly keep coming back to