Callicott's Criticism Of Separation Between Humans From Nature

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Assignment Four This assignment will focus on topics covered in the weekly readings for week four of Environmental Ethics. The topics this assignment will cover consists of Callicott’s critic of Leopold’s writing, authors that argue for separation between humans from nature and my view on separation, conflict and resolution of human survival and other species as a part of environmental ethic and if and why tree’s should have standing. Furthermore, each topic will be discussed in an essay and will follow in the order described above.
Essay One
Callicott attributes the professional neglect, contempt and confusion for the land ethic to Leopold extremely condensed prose style in which an entire conceptual complex may be conveyed in a few sentences, …show more content…

This implicit form of separation that Collicott refers to is the careful consideration of the introduction of exotic and domestic species into local ecosystems and the expiration of species. In order to practice caution of the introduction of exotic and domestic species into local exosystems one should practice separation between such species and humans. In addition, the separating of oneself from a species will prevent the possible anthropogenic extirpation of a species. In retrospect this idea may not be as reasonable for all species. In addition some species may be subject to our impacts despite our direct encounter with such species based on the indirect influence of emissions into their environment by way of air or water travel. Such species like certain types of birds and insects are subject to our coexistence. Unfortunately we are subject to share the ecosystem directly around us and have a responsibility to maintain it for ourselves and our co habitators. In addition we live in a natural environment and there is no way to extract ourselves from it. Due to this notion, I believe that we are apart of nature and there is no way to be a part from nature. This further leads to the belief that there will never be a complete form of separation between humans and nature. We live in such an environment that interconnect humans and nature and just about our every way of life. We need nature to breathe, to consume, into house our families. For instance, Our homes are built on top of nature and surrounded by nature. The soil we live upon contains insects an organism that working in ways to maintain our surroundings as well as the trees and bushes that act as ornaments that provide oxygen and food for other forms of life and species around us. To develop environment ethics there must be a reason for the ethics to exist. Since